Why do some mothers have wonderfully positive and empowering births whilst others feel disappointed, confused and even bereft? Why do there seem to be so many don’ts and not enough do’s when it comes to optimising birth for me and my baby? Why do I feel so confused, in the dark and even pressured instead of clear and confident about my birth choices? And why do a feel guilty or greedy for wanting a beautiful birth experience over and above a healthy baby?
The reality is that every woman deserves compassion in birth with a gentle balance between her clinical and emotional well-being. Every woman should be empowered to make informed choices with a resolve to be mindful of those choices. Instead women are often bombarded with birth stigmas, pressured into decisions, frowned upon for their choices or expressing your needs, given biased information if any and encouraged to strive for the perfect birth instead of a positive one.
Join me, Alda Smith, birth photographer, birth mentor , mother of three and transformative communication in healthcare specialist for a short (and free) video series titled AT THE HEART OF BIRTH. In these three free videos, you are going to discover what a compassionate, positive, optimised & pro-choice birth is so that you can work towards achieving an optimised birth for you and your baby. No stigmas. No choice-bashing. No Pressure. Just a whole lot of empowerment and compassion in the comfort of your own home! Birth workers can also benefit from watching this course and learning more about compassion in birth.
The free course will consist of
Video 1: The Compassionate Birth
Video 2: Knowledge is Power
Video 3: Aiming for a Positive Birth – not a Perfect One
If you haven’t registered for the whole course yet you can do so by subscribing to Alda’s newsletter on the landing page of www.aldasmith.com.
PS: I’m incredibly passionate about this and have an enormous amount of empathy for mothers who do not experience compassion in birth. Please help me to empower others by sharing this opportunity. You can do so by simply sharing this post. I’d also love to hear your thoughts on the compassion of birth by leaving comments below. I will be sure to check each and every comment.